Invitation to Dartmouth Summer
Scans of Ray's Dartmouth material: handwritten notes and collection of papers in four sections,
a detailed biographical history, and a section of other information from Ray's Collection:
- An Inductive Inference Machine:
Ray's report on his machine learning program, August 1956.
Notebook: Ray's Notebook of his work during the summer.
Box A: Notes taken by Ray about some daily activities by different attendees, notes on others,
papers given and discussed during the summer.
Box B: The part referring to Dartmouth (Box B entire will be in Ray's Notes).
- Ray at Dartmouth, Summer 1956: A detailed biographical history.
Stories and Information: First person stories, information
from and about the Dartmouth Summer of '56 attendance, pictures, later events.
McCarthy: Approach to AI
Window of Math Dept. where Dartmouth meetings were held
Dartmouth Proposals