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The Computer Journal, Vol. 42, No. 4, 1999

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Oxbridge Research, P.O.B. 400404, Cambridge, Mass. 02140, 1997

"The Discovery of Algorithmic Probability," ( Latex 86k) ( pdf 228k) ( Postscript 257k) Abstract
Journal of Computer and System Sciences, Vol. 55, No. 1, pp. 73-88, August 1997.

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co-author W.J. Paul, Computer Science Dept., University of Saarbruecken, 66041 Saarbruecken, Germany, 1990

"A System for Incremental Learning Based on Algorithmic Probability," ( Latex 51k) ( pdf 176k) ( Postscript 368k) Abstract
Proceedings of the Sixth Israeli Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition,
Tel Aviv, Israel, pp. 515--527, December 1989

"The Application of Algorithmic Probability to Problems in Artificial Intelligence," ( Latex 57k) ( pdf 159k) ( Postscript 309k) Abstract
in: M. Kochen and H. M. Hastings (Eds.), Advances in Cognitive Science, AAAS Selected Symposia Series, AAAS, Washington, D.C., pp. 210-227, 1988,
also in: L.N. Kanal and J.F. Lemmer (Eds.), Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., pp. 473-491, 1986.

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"Two Kinds of Complexity,"
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Oxbridge Research, June 1984

"Perfect Training Sequences and the Costs of Corruption - A Progress Report on Inductive Inference Research," ( pdf 338k)
Oxbridge Research, August 1982

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"Inductive Inference Theory - A Unified Approach to Problems in Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence." ( Latex 37k) ( pdf 160k) ( Postscript 328k) Abstract
Proceedings of the Fourth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Tbilisi, Georgia, U.S.S.R., pp. 274-280, September 1975

"The Adequacy of Complexity Models of Induction," ( pdf 147k) Abstract
International Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science, Section VI, London, Ontario, Canada, pp. 19-20, September 1975

"The Search for Artificial Intelligence," ( pdf 430k)
Electronics and Power, pp. 8-11, January 1968

"Inductive Inference Research Status Spring 1967," ( Latex 37k) ( pdf 161k) ( Postscript 248k) Abstract
RTB 154, Rockford Research, Inc., 140 1/2 Mt. Auburn St., Cambridge, Mass. 02138, July 1967

"Some Recent Work in Artificial Intelligence," ( pdf 1,400 k)
Proc. IEEE, pp. 1687-1697, December 1966

"A Formal Theory of Inductive Inference, Part I" ( Latex 56k) ( pdf 197k) ( Postscript 208k) Abstract
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"A Formal Theory of Inductive Inference, Part II" ( Latex 82k) ( pdf 212k) ( Postscript 245k) Abstract
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"Comments on Dr. S. Watanabe's Paper," ( pdf 208 k)
Synthese, pp. 97-100, September 1962

"Training Sequences for Mechanized Induction," ( pdf 480 k)
Self- Organizing Systems, M. Yovits, ed., pp. 425-434, 1962

"An Inductive Inference Code Employing Definitions,"
ZTB 141, Rockford Research, Inc., April 1961 ( pdf 977k)

"A Coding Method for Inductive Inference,"
ZTB 140, Rockford Research, Inc., April 1961 ( pdf 608k)

"Progress Report: Research in Inductive Inference April 1959 to November 1960." ( pdf 971k)
ZTB 139, Rockford Research, Inc., January 1961

"A Preliminary Report on a General Theory of Inductive Inference," ( Latex 47k) ( pdf 175k) ( Postscript 182k) Abstract
(Revision of Report V-131), Contract AF 49(639)-376, Report ZTB-138, Zator Co., Cambridge, Mass., Nov, 1960

"A Preliminary Report on a General Theory of Inductive Inference," ( pdf 1,228k)
(Has annotations by the author). Contract AF 49(639)-376, Report V-131, Zator Co., Cambridge, Mass., Feb. 4, 1960

"A New Method for Discovering the Grammars of Phrase Structure Languages," ( pdf 1413 k)
Information Processing, Unesco, Paris, 1960

"A Progress Report on Machines to Learn to Translate Languages and Retrieve Information," ( pdf 792 k) Abstract
Advances in Documentation and Library Science, Vol. III, pt. 2, pp. 941-953. (Proceedings of a conference in September 1959.)

"Progress Report: Research on Inductive Inference for the Year Ending March 1959," ( pdf 777 k)
ZTB 130, Zator Co., May 1959

"The Mechanization of Linguistic Learning," ( pdf 595 k)
Second International Congress on Cybernetics, pp. 180-193, 1958

"An Inductive Inference Machine," ( pdf 680 k) Abstract
IRE Convention Record, Section on Information Theory, Part 2, pp. 56-62, 1957

"An Inductive Inference Machine," ( pdf 1,400 k) Abstract
Report circulated at the Dartmouth Summer Workshop on Artifical Intelligence, August 1956

"Effect of Heisenberg's Principal on Channel Capacity," ( Latex 7k) ( pdf 76k) ( Postscript 126k) Proc. IRE, April 1955, p. 484

"An Optically Driven Airborne Chopper,"
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"An Exact Method for the Computation of the Connectivity of Random Nets." (pdf 180k)
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"Structure of Random Nets," ( pdf 245k)
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